
#NaPoWriMo 1.2 (on optional prompt: an action that you perform on specific circumstances to be used as a metaphor for life)
It woos you first, with little glances, owning you before you know it,
Its sidelong glances enticing you in headlong embraces,
But it holds you with its eyes, a little twist of the lips,
Before you fathom it: You're smitten, all this!
Rushing, cold feet and heart pounding, you crawl closer,
Wishing to touch it, your fingers dripping with passion of youth,
Of hearts that never age, bodies that never grow sickly or tired,
Panting, you approach,
And it takes you by a storm, pulling at your hair
And little kisses shower on your nape,
Warm breaths melting. Yet, you're unsure, nervous,
It caresses you whole, undressing you naked,
You're bare in front of it,
It kissing each inch of yours, demanding from you all your vigor,
Tears and energy,
Bruising you little by little,
Marks of love, leaving scars,
Beautiful and burning,
Until it takes you to the point of pure ecstasy
Yet you have it not all,
Whispering the sweet nothings,
Pleasure and pain, sweetly intermixed;
Leaving you wondering if life's anything but
one glassbreaking, earthshattering foreplay.


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