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NaPoWriMo 5

#NaPoWriMo 5 She is a yellow autumnal leaf, Her axil attached exactly at 360 degrees to the perpendicular mass of earth, She breathes fire that touches the arctic melting it: no man sees the melody of her music, or hears her dancing to it for they do not know Her name is dragon fire. They do not know That as she touches petrichor, Tasting its wild sweetness; She is imagined to be the Marilyn, Housed at 12305, 5th Helena Drive. Yet she is none of those: Being frozen, her breath spreads through arctic ice, Refusing to melt it. Global warming with its serious consequences, Made molten the Greenland ice sheet, We know, Ozone stands depleted, And cancers grow on my skin. Every time her skirt blows, Showers begin And her lover, the parched earth sings. Yet she bemoans, “Ne dis jamais je t'aime je t'aime Ne dis jamais je t'aime,” And I hear more and more pining In the painful noise of deceit: “ज्यौं दरपन मैं दरस देखियत, दृष्

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